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W O W   B R O W   S c a l p    by Karin


WOW BROW Scalp currently uses the Ludwig Scale of Female Baldness as a guide to determine the cost of each treatment.  Each client is usually in different stages of balding or thinning hair, and thus the price can increase or decrease depending on the type of baldness or hair loss the client is experiencing.

Scalp Micropigmentation or Medical Hairline Restoration is an art form, and thus depending on the type of baldness or hair loss, and the amount of work or hours needed to get the results the client is wanting, this will determine the exact price/cost of the treatment.  Scalp Micropigmentation is labour intensive with the artist having to place thousands of microdots on the scalp all within 1mm of each other.

It’s best to set up a FREE consultation in person (or via text or email) with Karin to determine: a) Set realistic expectations, b) The exact level of baldness or hair loss, or thinning and  c) The exact cost of the treatment.

Below you will find a general pricing guideline for our Scalp Micropigmentation procedures depending on the category you fall in on the Ludwig Scale of Female Baldness.  It is very important to note that this is only a guideline and the exact cost of the treatment will be determined at your first FREE Scalp Micropigmentation consultation with Karin.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact

Karin directly by phone (914) 260- 7942  or email (


Scalp Micropigmentation Pricing for Women

Using the Ludwig Scale

Ludwig Stage I:

Only mild hair loss is present during Stage 1. Usually the hair loss is occurring on the top or the back of the head (Crowing). Women are not usually aware the developing of hair loss at this stage, however, women may start noticing the part widening, demonstrating thinning hair along the top of the scalp and crown area.

Cost: $750 (3 visits)

You will receive:

1) FREE Consultation

(can be done thru email or text if you can’t come in person)

2) 3 SMP Treatments

3) Approx. 4 Hours of Total SMP Work

4) 12 Month Guarantee of WOW BROW SMP Work


Ludwig Stage II

Stage II hair loss is considered moderate. In this stage, women may notice thinning, shedding, general decrease in volume or density of hair, and a center part that continues to widen over time.

 Cost: $1000 (3 visits)

You will receive:

1) FREE Consultation

(can be done thru email or text if you can’t come in person)

2) 3 SMP Treatments

3) Approx. 6 Hours of Total SMP Work

4) 12 Month Guarantee of WOW BROW SMP Work


Ludwig Stage III:

Stage III is the final and most extreme classification of female hair loss. When a patient is suffering from hair loss at this stage the hair will be extremely thin and the scalp will be very visible. There is extreme shedding and thinning during this stage.

Cost: $ 1500 (3 visits)

You will receive:

1) FREE Consultation

(can be done thru email or text if you can’t come in person)

2) 3 SMP Treatments

3) Approx. 9-12 Hours of Total SMP Work

4) 12 Month Guarantee of  WOW BROW SMP Work


Ludwig Advanced Stage:

Although this stage is rare, it shows a very advanced stage of female pattern hair loss, with almost no hair remaining on the crown or top of the head.

Ludwig Frontal Advanced Stage:

Frontal advanced stage is also a rare condition in female pattern hair loss, however, this type of hair loss is concentrated more at the forehead area than the crown of the head and gradually moves back.


At this time - WOW BROW Scalp is not offering SMP to Ludwig Advanced  and Ludwig Frontal Advanced Stage.  I sincerely apologize


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